Fascinating Economics on the run
(Дивовижна економіка на льоту,
Увлекательная экономика на бегу)
Серія 16 книг - 16 тем з економіки
Олена Штепа

Мова видання: англ.
Виходить друком: січень 2021
Оправа: тверда
Сторінок: 500
Ціна: по запиту
The book series «Fascinating Economics on the run» is the quickest way to learn everything you need to know about economic fundamentals. Key topics are briefly described and accompanied by illustrative materials, making them easy to read and simple to remember.
The book series «Fascinating Economics on the run» is fascinating guide provides a comprehensive travel tour in Economic Sciences with images and diagrams. It contains both economic theory and understanding of how Economics apply theory to real world situation.
 The book series «Fascinating Economics on the run» is designed for both economists and other beginners – who would like to study Economics. It allows to integrate knowledge of the English language and Economics and is intended to expand not only the range of language training of students, but also to familiarize them with the economic field by means of a foreign language, which may help to continue education in the economic sphere, which also requires knowledge of a foreign language. Students study economic terminology in English, learn to navigate the basic laws and trends of economic development, both in our country and in the world.

I am Olena Shtepa, Ph.D., associate professor (Ukraine) and about my devotion to Economics…  Economics is just amazing! I love Economics because it explains how the world works. I"ve always been fascinated by everything about people and how they allocate resources. What I also like about Economics is that it taught me how to think and how to structure my thinking. Economics can be applied to everything because it’s all about how we make choices. The study of Economics can also provide valuable knowledge for making decisions in everyday life. Economics is just not a subject or a discipline, it is a fascinating science about real life.

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